We have NO supervision before 8:20 am on Monday-Thursday and 9:45 am on Fridays. Parents should gauge their children’s departure time from home so that students arrive at school no earlier than 8:20 am (9:50 am Fridays), unless they are eating breakfast they may arrive at 8:10 am (9:40 am Fridays). Students arriving earlier than these times will be unsupervised and parents will be called.
The playground will be closed before school. For their safety, when students arrive, they go immediately to their classroom line and wait in line order. In cases of heavy rain, students will line up by grade level under the covered area.
Our parking areas are very congested. We encourage you to let your students walk, unless they are a designated bus rider or it is inappropriate for other reasons. In order to accommodate student and parent needs and safety, we ask that you follow the procedures outlined here. PLEASE READ THIS INFORMATION CAREFULLY and please call if you have any questions (425.204.2950.)
Please remind students to use crosswalks, sidewalks and the new crosswalk on the East side of the four-way stop to accommodate those students who walk along the East side of 128th Ave SE.
ALL morning drop-offs (8:10-8:30 am) and afternoon pick-ups (3:10 pm) should take place in the front of the building. When driving through the parking lot, please pull forward as much as possible to avoid a traffic jam. You are also welcome to park and walk your child yourself. PLEASE DO NOT LET STUDENTS IN OR OUT OF CARS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE PARKING LOT. You may also drop your child off at the end of the loop on the North side of the building. Please do not drive through the bus and staff parking zone. Students need to use crosswalks and sidewalks where available and follow all adult and safety patrol directions. BE PATIENT! This is a congested area, especially when it rains. Give yourselves enough time to pick-up and drop-off students safely. Thank you for your help and cooperation in making our school safe!
Parents, we know that pick up and drop off times can be stressful. Please be sure to model respect and kindness to other drivers and staff. Also, please treat our parking lot like the airport. Your car may not be left unattended by the curb.